I. Goncharenko, M. Svinin, V. Kryssanov, “Natural Human Movements in Geometrically Constrained Haptic Environments”, AsiaHaptics 2016, Chiba, Japan, Nov. 29- Dec. 1, 2016.
M. Svinin, I. Goncharenko, H. Lee, M. Yamamoto, “Modeling of Human-Like Reaching Movements in the Manipulation of Parallel Flexible Objects”, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’2016), Daejeon, Korea, Oct. 9-14, pp. 4830-4835, 2016.
I. Goncharenko, M. Svinin, “A Haptic Simulator for Studying Rest-to-Rest Reaching Movements in Dynamic Environments”, 24th Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG’2016), May 31- June 3, 2016, Plzen, Czech Respublic., pp. 163-172. Publ. Computer Science Research Notes 2602.
I. Goncharenko, “Feedback force devices in VR systems”, Int. Workshop on System Software Engineering (SSE’2014), Vancouver, Canada, August 25-28, 2014, pp. 32-35.
I.Goncharenko, “Human body shape modeling using 3D range data for healthcare applications and beauty services (STAR talk)”, In Proc. of 23rd Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics and Vision, Sep 16-20, 2013, Vladivostok, Russia, pp.43-47.
V. Kryssanov, S. Kumokawa, I. Goncharenko, H. Ogawa, “Perceiving the Social: A Multi-Agent System to Support Human Navigation in Foreign Communities” , In: “Breakthroughs in Software Science and Computational Intelligence”, Wang, Yingxu (Ed.), Publ. Hershey, IGI Global, pp. 346-358, 2012.
I. Goncharenko, K. Takashiba, M. Mochimaru, M. Kouchi, S. Usui, M. Odahara,”Low-parametric control of human body shape modelling via the web using 3D scan data”, Int. J. Human Factors Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2012.
S.Kasama, T.Kihara, T.Ikawa, R.Hirabayashi, Y.Shigeta, E.Ando, S.Hirai, T.Moriyama, T.Kitamura, S.Suzuki, T.Ogawa and T.Hayakawa, “The Development of an Innovative Analysis Device for Occlusal Contacts,” International Association for Dental Research (IADR), Poster Session, June 2012, Brazil.
I.Goncharenko, H.Ueki, K.Takashiba, et al. Web-based human body modeling by restricted number of anthropometric data. Proc. of the Asian Workshop on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Tokyo, Japan, 17-18 April 2012.
勝村,井川,鈴木,木原,重田,佐藤,小川,”Surface および volume data の統合を可能とした画像処理ソフトウェア開発についての検討”,日本法科学技術学会誌,Vol. 16, pp. 14, Supplement, October 2011.
M. Svinin, I. Goncharenko, “Models of and Experiments with Reaching Tasks in Haptic Virtual Environments”, In: “HAID 2011”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6851, August 2011. Springer Publ. ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 978-3-642-22949-7. pp. 32-41.
I. Goncharenko, H. Ueki, K. Takashiba, et. al. “A server-client system for individual human body shape modeling using 3D scan data and limited sets of anthropometric parameters”. In: Proc. of the First International Symposium on Digital Human Modeling (DHM 2011). Lyon, France, June 2011, ISBN 978-2-9539515-0-9. pp. 1-8.
M. Svinin, M. Yamamoto, I. Goncharenko, “Simple models in trajectory planning of human-like reaching movements,” Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, (IROS’2010), Oct 2010, Taipei,
Taiwan, pp. 1662-1667. ISSN 978-1-4244-6676-4/10.
M. Svinin , I. Goncharenko, S. Hosoe, Y.Osada , “Optimality Principles and Motion Planning of Human-Like Reaching Movements” (Book chapter) , In: “Cutting Edge Robotics 2010” , In-Tech Publ., , Oct 2010, pp. 115-129, ISBN 978-953-307-062-9.
Takahiro Ohashi, Yusuke Tsurumi, Yasushi Murata,Heihachi Ueki, Soju Matsumoto, Kenji Iwata, ”VR System for Aiding Preform Design of Hot Forgings Using Haptic Device” ,Steel Research International Verlag Stahleisen vol.81, No.9 pp.408-411 Sep 2010
V.Kryssanov, S.Kumokawa, I.Goncharenko, H.Ogawa, “Perceiving the Social: A Multi-Agent System to Support Human Navigation in Foreign Communities”. International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, Vol.2(1) pp.24-37, March 2010, ISSN: 1942-9045.
I.Goncharenko, M.Svinin, S.Hosoe, S.Forstmann, “On the Influence of Hand Dynamics on Motion Planning of Reaching Movements in Haptic Environments” (Book chapter), in: “Advances in Haptics” In-Tech Publ., 2010, pp.451-462
ISBN 978-953-307-093-3.
I.Goncharenko, M.Svinin, Y.Kanou, “From Human Movement Capturing to Propelling Mechanism Design: A Task of Rolling-Based Locomotion”. Joint Virtual Reality Conference (JVRC09), Lyon, France, Dec 2009.
T. Cazander, “Cooperation between Incompatible Software”, The 1st Meeting of 3D Academic Society, July, 2009.
I. Goncharenko, M. Svinin, S. Hosoe. “Dynamic Model, Haptic Solution, and Human-Inspired Motion Planning for Rolling-Based Manipulation”. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (Transactions of the ASME), Vol.9(1), March 2009, ISSN: 1530-9827.
田 光江、桑原 匠史、小川 智也、田中 高史、亘 慎一、イゴール ゴンチャレンコ、天羽 宏嘉: “裸眼立体視による宇宙天気シミュレータの可視化技術”, 立体視 テクノロジー ―次世代立体表示技術の最前線―, NTS Inc. Publ., 2008. pp. 551-556, ISBN978-4-86043-155-6
M. Svinin, I. Goncharenko, S. Hosoe, “On the Boundary Conditions in Modeling of Human-Like Reaching Movements”, 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Nice, September 2008.(Best Paper)
I. Goncharenko, “VR technologies for applications of social network analysis” (Keynote Lecture), The 5th Conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis (ASNA 2008), Ritsumeikan Univ., Zurich Univ., September, 2008.
V. Kryssanov, S. Kumokawa, I. Goncharenko, H. Ogawa, “A System for Multimodal Exploration of Social Spaces”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5270, 2008. Springer Publ., pp. 40-49.
I. Goncharenko, M. Svinin, S. Hosoe, Y. Kanou, “Haptic Solutions and Bio-Mimetically Inspired Motion Planning Strategy for Rolling-Based Locomotion”, IEEE Haptics Symposium, March, 2008. pp.153-160.
I.Goncharenko, M.Svinin, Y.Kanou, S.Hosoe, “Motor Training of the Movements of Flexible Objects in Haptic Environments”, 4th International Workshop on Virtual Rehabilitation (IWVR2005), September, 2005.
M.Svinin, I.Goncharenko, Z. Luo, and S. Hosoe, “Reaching Movements in Dynamic Environments: How Do We Move Flexible Objects?” Proc. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2005), April, 2005, pp.398-405.
M. Den, T. Ogawa, T. Kuwabara, T. Tanaka, I. Goncharenko, H. Amo, Y. Kanou, S. Nallani-Parayil, “A Three-Dimensional Visualization System for Real-Time Earth’s Magnetosphere Simulator”, 7th International School/Symposium for Space Simulation, March, 2005.
I. Goncharenko, M. Svinin, S. Matsumoto, Y. Kanou, S. Hosoe, “A Haptic System with Interchangeable Constraints for the Analysis of Skillful Human Movements”, World Haptics Conference, March, 2005.
Y. Kanou, “GPU Rendering”, 2007 International Workshop on 3D Technology, Seoul, November 2007.
Y. Tamura, N. Mizuguchi, S. Matsumoto, H. Ueki, “Construction of Virtual Assembly System with Real-Time Collision Detection”, 17th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT) 2007.
I.Goncharenko, M.Svinin, Y.Kanou, S.Hosoe. Skilful Motion Planning with Self-and Reinforcement Learning in Dynamic Virtual Enbironments. Proc. of 4th INTUITION International Conference. Athens, October 2007.
M. Svinin, I. Goncharenko, S. Hosoe, Y. Kanou. Modeling and Motor Learning of Reaching Movements in Virtual Environments. Proc. 2007 IEEE Int. Conf. on Complex Medical Engineering (CME2007), Beijing, May 2007.
I. Goncharenko, M. Svinin, S. Forstmann, Y. Kanou, S. Hosoe.”On the Influence of Arm Inertia and Configuration on Motion Planning of Reaching Movements in Haptic Environments.”,World Haptics 2007, March 2007.
I. Goncharenko, M. Svinin, Y. Kanou, S. Hosoe. Modeling of Rest-to-rest Human Motions by Kinematic and Dynamic Optimization Criteria. Proc. of Int. Workshop for Computational Science with Geometric Algebra (FCSGA2007), Feb. 2007.
M.Den,T.Kuwabara,T.Ogawa,T.Tanaka,I.Goncharenko,H.Amo. A glassless stereoscopic visualization system for a 3D MHD real-time Earth’s magnetosphere simulator. Journal of Plasma Physics, Vol.72,No.6, Dec 2006, pp. 837-840. (Cambridge Univ. Press)
I. Goncharenko, M. Svinin, Y. Kanou, and S. Hosoe. Motor learning and perception in reaching movements of flexible objects withhigh and low correlations between visual and haptic feedbacks. Proc. 3rd International Conference on Enactive Interfaces. Montpellier, France, November 20-21, 2006. pp. 145-146.
M. Svinin, I. Goncharenko, and S. Hosoe, “Modeling and analysis of human-like reaching movements in dynamic environments,” International Symposium on Advanced Robotics and Machine Intelligence, pp. 115-120. Oct 2006.
M. Svinin, I. Goncharenko, Z.-W. Luo, and S. Hosoe, “Modeling of human-like movements in the manipulation of flexible objects,” Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’2006). Vol. 1, pp. 549-555. Oct 2006.
M.Den, T.Kuwabara, T.Ogawa, T.Tanaka, I.Goncharenko, H.Amo. A 3D Visualization System for Real-Time Space Weather Simulator with a Glassless Stereoscope. Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. Vol.53, No.1, 2006. pp.151-157
M. Svinin, I.Goncharenko, and S.Hosoe. Motion Planning of Human-Like Movements in the Manipulation of Flexible Objects. In : Advances in Robot Control: from Everyday Physics to Human-Like Movement. Springer, pp. 263-292, 2006.
I.Goncharenko, M. Svinin, Y.Kanou, and S.Hosoe. Predictability of Rest-to-Rest Movements in Haptic Environments with 3D Constraints. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.18 No.4, 2006, pp. 458-466.
M. Svinin, I.Goncharenko, Z.-W.Luo, and S.Hosoe. Reaching Movements in Dynamic Environments: How Do We Move Flexible Objects? IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol.22, No.4, August 2006, pp. 724-739.
I.Goncharenko, M.Svinin, Y.Kanou, S.Hosoe,”Motor Training in the Manipulation of Flexible Objects in Haptic Environments”, CyberPsychology & Behavior, Vol.9, No.2, pp.171-173, 2006.
M. Svinin, I. Goncharenko, Z.-W. Luo, and S. Hosoe”Modeling of and Experiments with Skillful Movements in Dynamic Environmnets” ,Proc. of the Third onference on Artificial Muscles, Tokyo, Japan, May 2006, pp.1-6.
田 光江、桑原匠史、小川智也、田中高史、イゴールゴンチャレンコ、天羽宏嘉、”裸眼立体視によるリアルタイム宇宙天気シミュレーターの3次元可視化システム”、情報通信研究機構季報, Vol.52, No.1, 2006, pp. 135-140.
I.Goncharenko, M.Svinin, Y.Kanou, S.Hosoe, “Analysis of Spatially Constrained Reaching Movements in Haptic Environments” ,IEEE Haptics Symposium, March, 2006. pp.399-405.
Y. Kanou, “Virtual Reality Training System”, Review of Automotive Engineering, Vol.25, No.3, pp.265-270, 2004.
M.Svinin, I. Goncharenko, Y.Masui, S. Matsumoto, Y. Kanou, S. Hosoe, “Rehabilitation Haptics Simulators with Spatially Constrained Human Movements”, 3rd International Workshop on Virtual Rehabilitation, September, 2004.
I. Goncharenko, M. Svinin, S. Matsumoto, Y. Masui, Y. Kanou, S. Hosoe, “Cooperative Control with Haptic Visualization in Shared Virtual Environments”, IEEE 8th International Conference Information Visualisation, July, 2004.
S. Forstmann, Y. Kanou, J. Ohya, S. Thuering, A. Schmitt, “Real Time Stereo By Using Dynamic Programming”, IEEE Workshop on Real Time 3D Sensors and Their Use, June, 2004.
I. Goncharenko, M. Svinin, S. Matsumoto, S. Hosoe, Y. Kanou, “Design and Implementation of Rehabilitation Haptic Simulators with History Units”, 2nd Internatilnal Workshop on Virtual rehabilitation(IWVR2003), 2003.
I. Goncharenko, H.Emoto, S. Matsumoto, H. Mishima, S. Tanaka, Y. Kanou, T.Fujii, N.Sugou, T.Mito, I.Shibata “Realistic Virtual Endoscopy of the Ventricle System and Haptic-Based Surgery Simulator of Hydrocefalus Treatment”, The 11th Annual Medical Meets Virtual Reality Conference(MMVR11), Jan, 2003.
T. Tamisier, C. Gautier, Y. Kanou, “The Brain Simulation Language, A toolkit for Conversational and Intelligent Knowledge-based Systems”, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Human and Computer(HC2002), 2002.
I. Goncharenko, H. Emoto, T. Fujii, N. Sugou, T. Mito, I. Shibata, Y. Kanou, “A Template-based Method of Ventricle Part Classification and Realistic Texturing for Virtual Ventriculoscopy”, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS2002), 2002.
T. Tamisier, Y. Kanou, “Artificial Brain for Conversational Animated Agents”, 3D映像、Vol.15、No.4、pp.152-157、2001.
T. Tamisier, Y. Kanou, “Artificial Brain for Conversational Avatar”, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Human and Computer(HC2001), 2001.
I. Fukuoka, Y. Kanou, “Assembly Simulation in Networked Virtual Environments”, 8th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering(CE2001), 2001.
T. Tamisier, K. Irie, Y. Kanou, “Avatar System Tool Suite for Conversational Application”, 8th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering(CE2001), 2001.
P. Ikonomov, S. Fukuda, Y. Kanou, “Virtual Reality Assembly Process Simulation”, 7th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering(CE2000), 2000.
S. Hirose, K. Mori, R. M. Y. Lee, Y. Kanou, “A VR Three-dimensional Pottery Design System Using PHANToM Haptic Devices”, 4th PHATNoM Users Group, 1999.
竹田、加納、伊藤、”4面立体空間構成によるバーチャル水族館の試み”、計測自動制御学会、ヒューマンインタフェース部会、第50回ヒューマン・インタフェース研究会、News and Report Vol.13、No.3、pp.451-454、1998.